This is offline Korean - Uzbek dictionary (Koreys - O‘zbek lug'at).
Database will be downloaded when you start the app first time.
- History and favorites.
- Settings - font size, color theme etc.
- Voice word spelling (internet connection required).
- Context word search (switch it on in Settings) - tap any word in article to find it's translation.
- Word of the day widget.
This app contains advertising.
</div> <div jsname="WJz9Hc" style="display:none">这是离线的韩国 - 乌兹别克语词典(Koreys - O'zbek lug'at)。
- 历史和收藏夹。
- 设置 - 字体大小,颜色主题等。
- 语音单词拼写(需要连接互联网)。
- 语境词搜索(它打开的设置) - 点击任何单词的文章,以了解它的翻译。
- 天小部件的话语。
这个程序包含广告。</div> <div class="show-more-end">